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Objective 1: To develop a robust dairy farmers’ centred network aimed at enhancing information gathering and sharing.

  • DAFAN has a very active network inform of a Whatsapp group and a website ( where members have been sharing all their farming experiences.
  • DAFAN has compiled relevant information inform of educational booklets like Regional dairy farm tour DVDs & reports and cowshed designs that are sold to members.
  • Through the farm visits, DAFAN has created a strong bond and trust amongst the members.

Objective 2: To increase household income through building farmers’ capacity in developing sustainable and profitable dairy farming techniques.

  • DAFAN has achieved this objective through making farm visits, local and regional dairy tours, and also trainings. Since DAFAN started, it has held 11 farm visits inform of study meeting or trainings and 4 regional dairy tours to Kenya.
  • DAFAN sent nine members to Baraka farm in Eldoret Kenya for a 5 day practical dairy training course and they shared their experiences with the other members when they came back.
  • Through the trainings, farmers have been taught about the improved breeds of dairy animals they should adopt on their farms.
  • They have also learnt about better feeding and fodder management which has encouraged them to grow pastures like napier, chloris and legumes on their farms.
  • Farmers have been taught the best farm structures and designs that are economical and convenient for a dairy cow.
  • They have also been taught value addition inform of yoghurt and cream production to increase on their farm income.
  • Farmers have been encouraged to keep their farm records regarding daily milk production, reproduction and health traits.
  • Farmers can now buy cows amongst themselves.

Objective 3: To foster collaboration with key players in development of dairy farming in Uganda and beyond.

  • DAFAN has collaborated with government institutions like NaLIRRI and NAGRC through availing us their technical experts to train our farmers, private sector companies that sell drugs and semen like Bimeda/Semex, Coopers/CRV, UNGA, and Crestants.
  • DAFAN has collaborated with international organisations like AgriProFocus through their campaign of forming a Dairy Stakeholders Platform and DAFAN is a member.
  • DAFAN has collaborated with Dairy Systems & Services (K) ltd who is the sole agent of DeLaval products in Kenya and they have provided dairy farming solutions to our members whenever they visit Kenya.
  • The chairman was sponsored by Bimeda International to go to Ireland and bring back the Irish dairy farming knowledge to Uganda.

Objective 4: To create an integrated dairy value chain system which is in compliance with the National Environmental Policy.

  • DAFAN has formed bulk milk collection centres at cluster level for example the gayaza cluster has acquired premises to start collecting milk that will be sold at an affordable price. The same process is done in Buikwe and Kayunga cluster.

Objective 5: To build a strong bargaining, market oriented farmers’ network with the capacity to explore local, regional and international market.

  • The Gayaza cluster members buy their dairy products in bulk like molasses and yeast at a cheaper cost compared to an individual undertaking. The cluster also received a semen bank from Coopers Uganda which is also a collection place for semen intended to help members reduce on the losses resulting from poor semen handling.
  • DAFAN is in the process of business development whereby it is in touch with a business management agency to write business proposals, solicit funds and also run the network’s businesses.

Objective 6: Bring improved dairy farming technologies, services and inputs closer to rural communities through establishing resource centres and demonstration farms.

  • DAFAN has formed seven clusters in Gayaza, Mukono, Mpigi, Kayunga, Buikwe, Entebbe road and Kakiri in Wakiso district though four of them are active.
  • The Gayaza cluster members meet every Thursday of the week and they have now acquired a milk collection premise and they also buy their dairy products in bulk like molasses and yeast at a cheaper cost compared to an individual undertaking. The cluster also received a semen bank from Coopers Uganda which is also a collection place for semen intended to help members reduce on the losses resulting from poor semen handling.
  • The Mukono cluster members meet every first Monday of the month at MUDAFA offices and discuss on their way forward. Some executive members have been trained as TOTs on biogas by Biogas Solution (U) Ltd.
  • The Buikwe cluster members are under the Buikwe cooperative which is affiliated to DAFAN.
  • The Kayunga cluster members are also under their cooperative and they collect their milk.
  • DAFAN has embarked on importation of jersey cows from South Africa because of their better milk quality that will be used to make value addition products like yoghurt and cream.

Objective 7: To encourage families, youth and women to start commercial dairy farming as a means of wealth creation.

  • Through the monthly farm visits, the families have been involved.


  • There are limited financial resources to run the activities of the network and this is attributed to poor remunerations of membership fee.
  • Ineffective resource mobilization committees that were formed because they are volunteers and there is no commitment.
  • Lack of a genetic pool to acquire profitable animals especially for the starting dairy farmers.
  • Slow acquisition of DAFAN headquarters premises.