• Farm Size

    The farmers mainly practice zero grazing on small pieces of land ranging from 1 acre to 300 acres of land with an average herd size of 20 to 50 dairy cows. Most members have indicated need to increase their farm size.

  • Farm Structures

    On average, farms have structures comprised of cowsheds, feeding barns, feeds store, milking parlours, paddocks. So farms have upgraded to include a spray race and introduced machinery such as forage choppers, milking machines & tractors.

  • Breeding

    The genetics of the cows are mainly of Holstein Friesians with a few Jerseys and Ayrshires, including their respective crosses. The average milk production is 15 litres per day per cow. Artificial insemination and embryo transfer are the main means of breeding.

  • Feeding

    Most farmers feed their cows on fresh green pastures. The main grass being chloris and Napier. After DAFAN’s training of farmers, many members have started feeding cows on hay, maize silage and dairy meal supplements.

  • Membership

    During its 5th year of existence (2019), DAFAN made a tremendous growth with a registered membership of 120 Farmers and over 250 farmers participating in DAFAN activities and promising to register.

  • Office premises

    DAFAN is currently being housed in the Chairman’s office at Old Mulago hill.

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